About the Journal
The Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy aims to be the leading multi-disciplinary journal on telecommunications, the media and the digital economy, serving the industry, academia and government. It publishes in-depth, high quality, peer-reviewed articles written by practising professionals and academics: in particular
- articles on policy and technical developments across the world;
- interviews with the industry's leading change-makers and analysts;
- book reviews;
- and reports about the activities of the telecommunications and broadcasting industry, including historical research and overviews.
Contributors to the Journal include industry and government practitioners as well as academics. The Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy covers technical, economic, social, legal and historic aspects of the rapidly expanding worldwide telecommunications industry and the digital economy which it underpins. The Journal aims to put new developments in all these areas into context, to help readers broaden their knowledge and deepen their understanding of telecommunications applications, policy and practice.
The Journal interprets 'telecommunications' in the broadest sense, so as to include fixed and mobile networks, the Internet, broadcasting, digital content, and operational, regulatory and consumer experience. The 'digital economy' is interpreted as encompassing not just the range of services that can be delivered via telecommunications, but also the digitally enabled society that uses it.
Open Access Option
Regular papers are open access after one year and have restricted access for the first year after publication. Optionally, you can make your paper open access from the date of publication for a fee of AUD 440, paid to the Telecommunications Association (TelSoc), publisher of this Journal.
Peer Review Process
Papers submitted to the journal will be peer reviewed by two reviewers initially using a double blind peer review. Papers will be reviewed in accordance with the journal review criteria and reviews should be carried out within four weeks. The papers submitted to the Journal are Scopus indexed.
Ethical Standards
The ethical standards statement can be found here
Telecommunications Association Inc.Journal History
This Journal continues the traditions of the Telecommunications Journal of Australia (TJA), which was first published in 1935. Essentially the same Editorial Board that produced the TJA from 2007 to June 2013 moved in July 2013 to create our new Journal, the Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy. In 2019, the Journal was renamed to the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, in recognition of its wider international scope.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr Michael de Percy, University of Canberra