The Radio Australia Aerial Matrix Switch

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Simon Moorhead


Telecommunications, History, HF Broadcasting, Radio Australia


Two papers from 1963 describing the design and construction of the new aerial matrix switch at Radio Australia Shepparton and the ingenuity required to conceive and deploy a world-first solution.


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Cliff D. B. 1963 “The New Aerial Switching Scheme At Radio Australia, Shepparton – General Design and Performance”, Telecommunication Journal of Australia, Vol. 14 No. 1, June 1963, pages 41-47.

Gemmell L. C. & Fullarton J. M. 1963 “The New Aerial Switching Scheme At Radio Australia, Shepparton – Mechanical and Structural design”, Telecommunication Journal of Australia, Vol. 14 No. 1, June 1963, pages 48-51.