Historic Technical News Items

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Simon Moorhead


Telecommunications, History, Apollo 13, Lasers


Two historic technical news items from 1970 covering the Australian Post Office’s involvement in the Apollo 13 emergency and a non-theoretical review of laser developments.


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“Australian Post Office involvement in the Apollo 13 emergency” (1970, June). Technical news item, Telecommunication Journal of Australia, 20(2), 177-178.
Howard, R. (Director). (1995). Apollo 13 [Motion picture]. USA: Universal Pictures.
Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo [Television broadcast]. (2017). Australia: SBS – broadcast on Saturday, 30 December 2018.
Sitch, R. (Director). (2000). The Dish [Motion picture]. Australia: Warner Bros.
Tucker, A. (1970, June). The light with a thousand uses, Technical news item, Telecommunication Journal of Australia, 20(2), 179-180.