Internet of Things for smart homes and buildings: Opportunities and Challenges

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Hemant Ghayvat
S.C Mukhopadhyay
Jie Liu
Arun Babu
Eshrat Elahi
Xiang Gui


Wellness, Ambient assisted living, smart home monitoring, intelligent sampling, event and priority, WSN, Wellness Protocol, Internet of things, cloud computing


Pervasive sensing facilitated by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) technologies offered the integration of modern technology into a daily routine. The smart sensing approach offers the ability to sense the ambient parameters and use of different objects in the urban environment. Identification and monitoring technologies, WSNs, wireless communication protocols, and dispersed intelligence for objects are primitive elements of smart environmental solution. The WSNs with the application of Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing are uplifting the smart home solutions and applications. The present research work aims to develop smart home and building solutions based on IoT and cloud computing. The cloud implementation using free cloud space, which is based on collaboration between public and private clouds, is presented. Additionally the research work recorded recent practical challenges and limitations encounter while designing the IoT-based smart environment. The research identifies the IoT idea through the conjunction of WSNs, the internet and distributed computing with data mining and machine learning an approach to apply at smart home to benefit and humankind. 


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