The NBN Futures Forum: Learning from International Experience

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Leith H Campbell


NBN, public policy


On 25 February 2020, TelSoc hosted the third NBN Futures Forum in Melbourne on the theme of learning from international experience for Australia’s National Broadband Network. Three speakers discussed various aspects of the topic, including comparisons via league tables, the experience in New Zealand, and the need for good broadband to participate in the global economy. Discussion following the speeches brought out a need to understand the range of demands for broadband from a variety of end users and industrial applications.


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Campbell, L. H. (2019). The NBN Futures Forum: Realising the User Potential of the NBN, Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 7(4), 1-11.
Campbell, L. H., & Milner, M. (2019). The NBN Futures Forum: Discussing the future ownership of Australia’s National Broadband Network, Journal of Telecom-munications and the Digital Economy, 7(3), 1-9.
Ferrers, R. (2020). Enhancing NBN’s Value: Comparing NBN with Australia’s Top 10 Trading Partners and OECD, Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 8, to appear.
Holmes, J., & Campbell, L. H. (2019). The NBN Futures Project, Journal of Telecom-munications and the Digital Economy, 7(4), 33-44.
Milner, M. (2020). Ultra-fast Broadband: The New Zealand Experience, Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 8, to appear.
Vertigan, M. (2014). Independent cost-benefit analysis of broadband and review of regulation. Department of Communications, 14 August. Retrieved from

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