The Digital Universe Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things

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Matt Zwolenski
Lee Weatherill




The Digital Universe, which consists of all the data created by PC, Sensor Networks, GPS/WiFi Location, Web Metadata, Web-Sourced Biographical Data, Mobile, Smart-Connected Devices and Next-Generation Applications (to name but a few) is altering the way we consume and measure IT and disrupting proven business models. Unprecedented and exponential data growth is presenting businesses with new and unique opportunities and challenges. As the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) and Third Platform continue to grow, the analysis of structured and unstructured data will drive insights that change the way businesses operate, create distinctive value, and deliver services and applications to the consumer and to each other. As enterprises and IT grapple to take advantage of these trends in order to gain share and drive revenue, they must be mindful of the Information Security and Data Protection pitfalls that lay in wait ? hurdles that have already tripped up market leaders and minnows alike.


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IDC 2014b. Turner. V; Reinsel. D; Gantz. J; Minton. S. April 2014 ‘The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things’ EMC Infobrief with research and analysis by IDC.
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