Revisiting the Nexus between Digital Economy and Economic Prosperity: Evidence from a Comparative Analysis

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Nidhal Mgadmi
Wajdi Moussa
Azza Béjaoui
Tarek Sadraoui
Afef Guachaoui


Digitalization, Economic growth, Impact, Generalized moments method, Economic Prosperity


In this paper, we try to investigate the contribution of digitalization on economic growth in both developed and developing countries over the period 1990-2020. For this end, different econometric tools are applied on a panel dataset. Overall, we show that the digital technologies seem to significantly and positively affect economic growth in both groups of countries. The digitalization impact level tends to differ across countries. Our empirical results also display that the short- and long-term relationship between information and communication technologies and economic growth is well documented. Such results can be useful for policymakers to enhance the digital economy and provide novel channels to develop adequate policies and promote new institutions. So, benefits from digitalization can lead to realize substantial economic growth.


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