Individual Adaptation in the Face of Enterprise IT Changes in the Organization

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Payam Hanafizadeh
Ahmad Taherianfar
Masood Alami Neisi


Individual Adaptation, Use, Enterprise IT, Work Tasks, Information Technology Features


Individual adaptation plays an important role in using enterprise information technology (IT). In the life cycle of enterprise IT in the organization, various factors can change IT and its related work tasks. Therefore, users have to adapt to these changes. Since the use of information technology depends on the capabilities acquired through individual adaptation behaviours, it is essential to examine these behaviours in more detail. This study presents the factors affecting individual adaptation behaviours as a model. The results of the experimental test of the model show that technology experience and IT knowledge affect an individual’s perception of task difficulty, and personality traits moderate the relationship between task difficulty and individual adaptation behaviours. One of the advantages of the proposed model is separating the roles of managers and users in different periods of enterprise IT adaptation. Also, paying attention to users’ personal characteristics in explaining the differences in adaptation behaviours among employees is another advantage of this model.



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