2022 Charles Todd Oration

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The Hon. Michelle Rowland MP


Minister for Communications, Charles Todd, Overland Telegraph Line, Digital Inclusion, Regional Connectivity


The Charles Todd Oration is an annual event run by TelSoc and is named for Charles Todd, the Postmaster-General of South Australia, who was responsible for completing the Overland Telegraph Line from Darwin to Adelaide in 1874. The 2022 Oration was delivered in Sydney on 21 October 2022 by The Hon. Michelle Rowland, MP, Minister for Communications. At the time she had been in the role for about 5 months following the change of government at the Federal election on 21 May 2022. The Minister used her speech to set out the Government’s aims for the communications sector and its initial priorities, and to reflect on her appreciation of the circumstances and potential for the sector, its stakeholders and end-users of communications services. References and endnotes have been added by Jim Holmes, Chair of TelSoc, to enable further reference by interested readers on the matters noted, and for the accuracy and relevance of which TelSoc accepts complete responsibility.



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Albanese, A. (2022, May 21). Doors of Opportunity [video online]. Available at https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/doors-of-opportunity-open-to-all-australians-albanese/video/f7848f9613ec10b0abda849a51f7ba12
Cryle, D. (2017). Behind the Legend: The Many Worlds of Charles Todd. North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Digital inclusion: the Australian context in 2021. (2021). Available at https://www.digitalinclusionindex.org.au/
Holmes, J. (2018). Behind the Legend: A New and Comprehensive Biography of Charles Todd. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 6(1), 107–114. https://doi.org/10.18080/jtde.v6n1.148
Kirk, J. W. (1892, May). Historic Moments: The First News Message By Telegraph, Scribner's Magazine. Available at https://todayinsci.com/Events/Telegram/TelegraphFirstNews.htm
Moyal, A. (1984). Clear Across Australia: A History of Telecommunications. Thomas Nelson Australia, Melbourne.
Opening of the First Session of the Forty-seventh Commonwealth Parliament, Parliament House Canberra (2022, July 26). The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Available at https://www.gg.gov.au/about-governor-general/media/opening-first-session-forty-seventh-commonwealth-parliament-parliament-house-canberra