Review of the Mexican Telecommunications Market

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Oscar Saenz De Miera
Arturo Robles Rovalo
Roberto Morales


Mexico, Telecommunications, Constitutional Reform, Competition, Policy and Regulation


Historically, like in many other countries the development of the telecommunications sector in Mexico has been characterized by the presence of an operator owned by the State, followed by a privatization process. However, in the years that followed, a number of obstacles to competition and to the development of telecommunications were identified. As a result, and taking into account the importance of internet, telecommunications and broadcasting in today's society, a constitutional reform was carried out in 2013. It consisted of a series of measures that have contributed to shape the sector as it is nowadays, with favorable outcomes that have begun to be tangible. This article recounts the evolution and current state of the telecommunications ecosystem in terms of the stages that were just described, briefly describing new challenges and opportunities posed by the digital economy.


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