Enhancing Book Recommendation Accuracy through User Rating Analysis and Collaborative Filtering Techniques An Empirical Analysis

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Jirat Chongwarin
Paiboon Manorom https://orcid.org/0009-0002-2165-1120
Vispat Chaichuay
Tossapon Boongoen
Chunqiu Li
Wirapong Chansanam


Collaborative Filtering, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), Matrix Factorization, RapidMiner Studio,, Data Mining Techniques


Since online electronic books have become popular, book recommendation systems have been invented and challenged to handle the high demand from users in the digital era. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a book recommendation model using data mining techniques through RapidMiner Studio. The datasets used were comprised of 981,756 user ratings. Before conducting the data analytics, the data was pre-processed to eliminate duplicates and retain only the highest ratings. Collaborative Filtering (CF) techniques, particularly k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) and Matrix Factorization (KF), were employed to elicit insightful information for development and to highlight their capabilities in handling enormous datasets. Furthermore, statistical analysis, visualization, elementary modelling, and model combinations were investigated to compare their performance.

To reinforce creditability, modelling techniques and parameter adjustments were integrated to optimize the performance of the algorithms, since the results indicated that different model settings and data partitions impacted the effectiveness of the recommendation system. Additionally, these results demonstrated the potential of hybrid models in improving the accuracy and efficiency of recommendation systems and highlighted the trade-off between algorithmic approaches and dataset characteristics that interplay in optimizing the performance of recommendation systems.


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