Implementation of PCC-OFDM on a software-defined radio testbed

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Gayathri Kongara
Jean Armstrong


PCC-OFDM, software-defined radio, USRP, 5G waveforms


A software-defined radio implementation of polynomial cancellation coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PCC-OFDM) on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) based hardware platform is presented in this paper. Previous publications on PCC-OFDM have demonstrated that, in comparison to normal cyclic prefix based OFDM, it is robust in the presence of many impairments including carrier frequency offset, multipath distortion and phase noise. The error performance of the two multicarrier techniques is compared on a practical wireless channel under common channel impairments such as carrier frequency offset, multipath and noise. Based on the comparative results obtained on the hardware platform, the properties of PCC-OFDM make it a suitable candidate for consideration in future G applications requiring robust performance in asynchronous environments with minimal out of band spectral emissions.


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