Implementation of RF Band-Pass Filter on UMTS Systems to Improve Quality of Service

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Nyoman Gunantara
Made Adi Surya Antara
NMAE Dewi Wirastuti


RTWP, RF band-pass filter, UMTS quality of services


A large number of cellular operators in an area causes high interference effects. One indicator is the problem with received total wideband power (RTWP) found in a universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS). High RTWP is one of the causes of a decrease in the quality of service (QoS) in cellular communication networks. To solve this problem, an RF band-pass filter device can be implemented on a UMTS system, where RF band-pass filters have been designed and tested in previous studies. In this research, the RF band-pass filter was installed between the BTS node and bottom jumper. After implementing it, QoS measurements with the Huawei M2000 application and Drive Test were carried out. The QoS analysis included RTWP, Circuit-Switched access rate, Packet-Switched access rate, and Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) value. The results show that the RTWP value decreases, while the CS access rate, PS access rate, and RSCP value increase. These results indicate that QoS on the UMTS increases.


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