Latency Analysis for Mobile Cellular Network uRLLC Services

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Bin Liang
Mark A Gregory
Shuo Li


Ultra-reliable Low Latency Communications, Multi-access Edge Computing, End-to-End Latency, User Plane, Control Plane


The fifth generation (5G) mobile network technologies include ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (uRLLC) capability. To fully exploit uRLLC, distributed Multi- access Edge Computing (MEC) is being developed and introduced at the network edge with an architecture that supports applications and services. Some of the MEC applications will benefit from uRLLC, including virtual reality, augmented reality, education, health, online gaming, automatic manufacturing and Vehicle-to-everything. However, unique challenges and opportunities exist for 5G cellular networks and MEC due to a range of factors, including end-user device mobility and the implementation of the network Control Plane (CP) and User Plane (UP). In this regard, there is a need to optimize protocols and network architecture. This paper investigates latency and related network elements in the next generation mobile cellular network. We also analyze the 5G network latency in the CP and UP. Finally, the paper identifies protocol optimization considerations for MEC integration with 5G to achieve low end-to-end latency.


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