Media Activities and Telecommunications Consumers’ Awareness of Their Rights A Study of Mobile Phone Users in Calabar, Nigeria

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Patrick Ene Okon
Chidumebi Ada Egbule
Stephen Regie Nyong
Eric Ogor Ogri


Awareness, media activities, mobile phone users, NCC, Telecommunications


This study assessed how Nigerian Communications Commission’s media activities helped to create meaningful positive awakening on the knowledge, attitude and perception (KAP) of telecoms users’ rights among mobile phone users in Calabar, Nigeria. It adopted the descriptive survey research method and used Perception Theory and Uses and Gratifications Theory to lend theoretical support to it. Out of 400 copies of a questionnaire distributed, 385 were retrieved. Findings included that NCC’s media activities on telecoms users’ rights were intensive and helped to create positive awakening on the knowledge of telecoms users’ rights in Calabar, thus leading them to exhibit positive attitude and perception towards the overall awareness campaign on their rights. It was recommended that NCC should carry out more independent studies in other localities across Nigeria with a view to ascertaining the extent of telecoms consumers’ knowledge of their rights, particularly among rural dwellers.



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