Published: 2023-06-28

The second issue of the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy for 2023, published in June 2023.  There is a Special Issue section on Women’s Participation in the Digital Economy and Digital Society.

All papers are peer reviewed and a similarity score search is used to ensure the papers are suitable for publication. Papers are now published continuously. There are four issues per year.



Leith H. Campbell (Author)
Abstract 220 | 758-PDF-v11n2ppiv-v Downloads 15

Page iv-v

Special Issue: Women’s Participation in the Digital Economy and Digital Society

Guest Editorial

Barbara Pisker, Hareesh N Ramanathan, Željko Pavić, Johanna Plante (Author)
Abstract 253 | 756-PDF-v11n2pp1-5 Downloads 28

Page 1-5


Vicki Brady (Author)
Abstract 159 | 755-PDF-v11n2pp6-7 Downloads 6

Page 6-7

Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence

Rosileine Mendonça de Lima, Barbara Pisker, Victor Silva Corrêa (Author)
Abstract 1782 | 690-PDF-v11n2pp8-30 Downloads 50

Page 8-30

"Is It Okay That She is a Woman?"

Nadezhda Kazarinova , Alexey Kolianov, Elena Strogetskaya, Yulia Filippova (Author)
Abstract 192 | 692-PDF-v11n2pp31-43 Downloads 5

Page 31-43

Not a Toy for Boys Only

Anita Dremel (Author)
Abstract 221 | 704-PDF-v11n2pp44-59 Downloads 14

Page 44-59

Being Digitally Savvy

Melissa Tsafkas (Author)
Abstract 345 | 697-PDF-v11n2pp60-76 Downloads 10

Page 60-76

Telecommuting on Women’s Work-Family Balance through Work-Family Conflicts

Edward Rebecca, A. K. L. Jayawardana (Author)
Abstract 507 | 694-PDF-v11n2pp77-98 Downloads 13

Page 77-98

Conditions Affecting the Perspective Towards the “Work-From-Home” Setup

Kesley Guino-o, Daryll Candice Canada, Rachell Anne T. Capaning, Jilianne Kyle Monteclaro, Roxen Janna A. Cadavos, Ana Leah Dungog-Cuizon (Author)
Abstract 593 | 680-PDF-v11n2pp99-117 Downloads 22

Page 99-117

Financial Literacy, Digital Financial Literacy and Women’s Economic Empowerment

Rita Rahayu, Verni Juita, Annisaa Rahman (Author)
Abstract 1170 | 700-PDF-v11n2pp118-138 Downloads 41

Page 118-138

Non-Obvious Connections Between Information Literacy and Online Payments

Ivana Bestvina Bukvić, Ivana Đurđević Babić (Author)
Abstract 345 | 712-PDF-v11n2pp139-150 Downloads 10

Page 139-150

Evaluating the Important Role of Women in Maintaining the Sustainability of SMEs

Dekeng Setyo Budiarto, Muhammad Agung Prabowo, Norhidayah Binti Azman (Author)
Abstract 647 | 664-PDF-v11n2pp180-193 Downloads 13

Page 180-193

E-wallet and Women in India

Pearly Saira Chacko, Frank Hycinth, Hareesh N Ramanathan (Author)
Abstract 492 | 701-PDF-v11n2pp194-211 Downloads 10

Page 194-211

Impact of Technology-Evoked Mental Imagery on Brand Personality and Brand Association for Beauty Brands among Women in India

Krupa Miriam Cherian, Simmy Kurian, Hareesh N Ramanathan (Author)
Abstract 508 | 706-PDF-v11n2pp212-232 Downloads 13

Page 212-232


Media Activities and Telecommunications Consumers’ Awareness of Their Rights

Patrick Ene Okon, Chidumebi Ada Egbule, Stephen Regie Nyong, Eric Ogor Ogri (Author)
Abstract 183 | 665-PDF-v11n2pp233-251 Downloads 10

Page 233-251


George Edward Hams AM (1928–2023)

Steve Black (Author)
Abstract 201 | 739-PDF-v11n2pp252-261 Downloads 16

Page 252-261