E-wallet and Women in India Drivers of Post-Adoption Intention and the Divide Across Age
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E –wallet usage, Continuous Adoption Intention, User Satisfaction, Confirmation, Perceived Security, Perceived Usefulness, Trust, , Digital divide
The post-pandemic era witnessed an upsurge in digital wallet usage. The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to empirically examine the factors influencing the post-adoption intention of e-wallet users among Indian women and the digital divide across age groups. Validated questionnaires were used to collect data from female respondents across India. Path analysis using structural equation modelling was used to examine the driver of continuous intention for e-wallets, and the study demonstrates that user satisfaction and the perceived security and usefulness of e-wallets had a significant impact on post-adoption behaviour among women. Perceived confirmation, usefulness, and trust influence user satisfaction among women. However, contrary to expectations, the study found no significant difference in the continuous adoption behaviour of different age groups of urban women, indicating a lack of digital divide among urban women across age.
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