CNN-based Occluded Person Re-identification in a Multi Camera Environment

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Ali Imran Bin Shahrin
Ts Dr Noramiza Binti Hashim


Person re-identification, deep learning, ensemble deep learning


In the context of rising global urban security concerns and the growing use of surveillance cameras, this study aims to enhance individual identification accuracy in occlusion scenarios using deep learning. Four CNN-based models for person re-identification are analyzed and put into practice. Additionally, comparative studies are conducted, and the model’s performance is assessed using the Market-1501 and Occluded-Reid datasets. We propose the use of ensemble learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to address occlusion issues. Our results show that the ensemble approach performs better in re-identification tasks than traditional deep learning algorithms with an improvement of 1%–2% in mAP and Rank-1 scores, respectively.



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