Barriers to Digital Transformation The Case of Moroccan Companies

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Houda Mahboub
Hicham Sadok


Digital transformation, Barriers, Digital investment, Morocco


Digital transformation, combining advanced technologies and innovative processes, represents a major revolution in the managerial landscape of companies, likely to stimulate growth and efficiency. However, the obstacles to this transformation are numerous and interrelated. The objective of this article is to shed light on the nature of these obstacles in the Moroccan context. Based on a survey of 312 Moroccan companies and 74 interviews, this study made it possible to determine the major obstacles to digital transformation. The major barriers to digital transformation are essentially the lack of internal resources and skills, resistance to change and lack of leadership, insufficient return on investment, the strategic and procedural complexity of the project, security problems, and the inconsistency of the transformation project to be carried out. These results confirm those obtained by other studies under other skies, thus making it possible to conclude that the nature of the obstacles to digital transformation remains practically the same in the different countries covered by similar research, but only the degree of their prevalence changes. Having an idea of the significant barriers will help managers increase their digital and organizational performance.



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