Published: 2024-03-27

The first issue of the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy for 2024, published in March 2024.  This issue contains a Special Issue section on “Emerging Technologies and Innovation for Digital Economy and Transformation”.

All papers are peer reviewed and a similarity score search is used to ensure the papers are suitable for publication. Papers are now published continuously. There are four issues per year.


Editorial: A Special Issue

Leith H. Campbell (Author)
Abstract 192 | 948-PDF-v12n1ppv-vi Downloads 31 | DOI

Page v-vi

Special Interest

Growing Australia’s Creative Industry

Kris Maric, Vince Pizzica, Zareh Nalbandian (Author)
Abstract 297 | 899-PDF-v12n1pp1-18 Downloads 48 | DOI

Page 1-18


Fusion-Based 2.5D Face Recognition System

Min-Er Teo, Lee-Ying Chong, Siew-Chin Chong (Author)
Abstract 223 | 770-PDF-v12n1pp19-38 Downloads 19 | DOI

Page 19-38

A Systematic Literature Review on the Role of Big Data in IoT Security

Muna Muhammad, Sibghat Ullah Bazai, Shafi Ullah, Syed Ali Asghar Shah, Saad Aslam, Angela Amphawan, Tse-Kian Neo (Author)
Abstract 455 | 783-PDF-v12n1pp39-64 Downloads 21 | DOI

Page 39-64

Book Review

History of Telecommunications

Special Issue: Emerging Technologies and Innovation for Digital Economy and Transformation

Editorial: Emerging Technologies and Innovation for Digital Economy and Transformation

Rim Jallouli, Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji, Ana Maria Soares, Beatriz Casais, Meriam Belkhir (Author)
Abstract 503 | 945-PDF-v12n1pp113-123 Downloads 35 | DOI

Page 113-123

Value Co-creation in a Digitalised and Dematerialised World

Philipp Herrmann, Tim Hädicke, Friedrich Hoge (Author)
Abstract 375 | 812-PDF-v12n1pp124-147 Downloads 23 | DOI

Page 124-147

ICT as a Determinant of Happiness

Bilal Mehmood, Ajmal Hussain (Author)
Abstract 268 | 817-PDF-v12n1pp196-221 Downloads 24 | DOI

Page 196-221

Addressing Digital Transformation in Universities

Vincenzo Maltese (Author)
Abstract 295 | 808-PDF-v12n1pp242-260 Downloads 20 | DOI

Page 242-260

Barriers to Digital Transformation

Houda Mahboub, Hicham Sadok (Author)
Abstract 649 | 814-PDF-v12n1pp261-277 Downloads 18 | DOI

Page 261-277

Influence of ICT and Household Assets in the Penetration of Digital Economy in Mexico

Javier G. Rodríguez Ruiz, Carmen E. Rodríguez Armenta, Eduardo G. Rosas González (Author)
Abstract 375 | 876-PDF-v12n1pp278-304 Downloads 38 | DOI

Page 278-304

Blockchain Technology Adoption Through the UTAUT Model

Leila Ennajeh, Tharwa Najjar (Author)
Abstract 901 | 873-PDF-v12n1pp328-355 Downloads 17 | DOI

Page 328-355

Perception of Gen Z Customers towards Chatbots as Service Agents

Sushant Saklani, Devkant Kala (Author)
Abstract 1227 | 781-PDF-v12n1pp356-376 Downloads 19 | DOI

Page 356-376

Determinant Factors of Islamic Financial Technology Acceptance

Rita Rahayu, Syahril Ali, Raudhatul Hidayah, Sinta Nabila (Author)
Abstract 493 | 790-PDF-v12n1pp405-426 Downloads 30 | DOI

Page 405-426

Implementation of a Cross-Platform Development Board for Embedded Internet-of-Things Systems

Jorge Enrique Herrera Rubio, Steven Antonio Florez Prieto (Author)
Abstract 232 | 828-PDF-v12n1pp463-485 Downloads 18 | DOI

Page 463-485

Natural Language Processing for Detecting Brand Hate Speech

Latifa Mednini, Zouhaira Noubigh, Mouna Damak Turki (Author)
Abstract 639 | 859-PDF-v12n1pp486-509 Downloads 24 | DOI

Page 486-509

Clustering Social Media Data for Marketing Strategies

Malek Chebil, Rim Jallouli , Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji (Author)
Abstract 482 | 889-PDF-v12n1pp510-537 Downloads 19 | DOI

Page 510-537

Marketing Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

Hasna Koubaa El Euch, Foued Ben Said (Author)
Abstract 1115 | 887-PDF-v12n1pp538-574 Downloads 17 | DOI

Page 538-574

A Novel AutoCNN Model for Stock Market Index Prediction

Zakia Zouaghia, Zahra Kodia, Lamjed Ben Said (Author)
Abstract 267 | 843-PDF-v12n1pp612-636 Downloads 17 | DOI

Page 612-636

Development of Digital Financial Inclusion in China's Regional Economy: Evidence from Panel Threshold Models

Amal Ben Abdallah, Hamdi Becha, Maha Kalai, Kamel Helali (Author)
Abstract 195 | 838-PDF-v12n1pp637-656 Downloads 18 | DOI

Page 637-656