An Empirical Study of the Impact of Social Media Data Analytics on Marketing Strategy Which Social Media Data Analytics Metrics to Select?

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Teissir Benslama
Rim Jallouli


Social Media Data Analytics (SMDA), Marketing Strategies, Conceptual framework, Empirical Study, PLS-SEM


Social Media Data Analytics (SMDA) has emerged as a dynamic and growing field across various disciplines, including marketing. However, practitioners and researchers in the marketing domain have realized that harnessing the full potential of SMDA for guiding marketing strategies necessitates a clear understanding of the relevant SMDA metrics. A significant challenge lies in the lack of clear guidance on which SMDA metrics are most relevant for enhancing marketing strategies. This study aims to empirically evaluate the impact of SMDA on marketing strategies. To achieve this goal, the study carried out a questionnaire for data collection and employs an empirical investigation using the PLS-SEM methodology. The results show that the impact of SMDA on marketing strategy depends on SMDA metrics (data type, platforms and analysis methods) and also on marketing strategy type. The results suggest a valid conceptual model introducing novel metrics for the SMDA concept. These results present a broader perspective on how SMDA affects marketing strategies and suggest that future research should focus on a specific type of marketing strategy and study SMDA metrics in a different and more in-depth way.



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