Impact of Technology-Enabled Personalization on the Adoption of Mobile Banking An Experimental Study

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Moetez Khemiri
Rim Jallouli


M-Banking, Experiment, UTAUT, Technology-enabled Personalization, perceived privacy


New technologies such as artificial intelligence and Big Data offer an opportunity in terms of personalization of products and services, particularly in mobile banking services. Previous researches have provided mixed results regarding the causal or moderator role of personalization in the adoption of mobile services. This research aims to provide a response to this discordance by using an experimental method in the context of mobile banking services. Results regarding the impact of technology-enabled personalization along with age on the adoption of mobile banking services confirm the causal impact of technology-enabled personalization on facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), perceived confidentiality (PC), and the intention to use mobile banking. Findings and discussions across age and gender groups could guide future empirical research in this area.



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