Marketing Strategy and Artificial Intelligence State of the Art and Research Agenda

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Hasna Koubaa El Euch
Foued Ben Said


Marketing strategy/strategic marketing, artificial intelligence, bibliometric analysis


The marketing literature highlights the growing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into marketing strategies. Several publications show that this field is attracting increasing interest from researchers. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of academic publications related to AI and marketing strategies, while also examining the lack of bibliometric analysis in this area. In this study, 1100 articles, published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, were selected and, according to a consistent search procedure, were examined. A performance analysis, based on bibliometric indicators, revealed the most impactful journals, the most indexed authors according to H-index and the most cited papers. The thematic factorial map highlighted the typology of AI tools used in the field of strategic marketing, in this case the marketing strategy. It also provides a discussion, potential research avenues and recommendations for future investigations.



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