ICT as a Determinant of Happiness Cross-Country Evidence

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Bilal Mehmood https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0718-0211
Ajmal Hussain https://orcid.org/0009-0003-3042-0241


Innovation, Wellbeing, Governance, Human Development


This study aims to investigate ICT as a determinant of happiness. This study shifts its focus from traditional metrics to subjective assessments and extends the role of ICT to happiness research at the cross-country level. Due to innovations, the role of ICT may not be limited to productivity, consumption patterns, and consumer behaviour. A panel dataset for 40 countries with higher subjective wellbeing representing all continents from 2006 to 2019 is used. The pooled mean group (autoregressive distributed lag, ARDL) approach signifies that ICT is a determinant of happiness. Moreover, this research also investigates how effective governance negatively relates to happiness, and how human progress and economic development positively impact happiness. This research argues that policymaking should shift from the traditional economic development approach to socio-technical wellbeing.



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