Published: 2018-09-28

The third issue of the Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy for 2018. All papers are peer reviewed and a similarity score search is used to ensure the papers are suitable for publication. Papers are now published continuously.


Digital Economy Focus

Mark A Gregory (Author)
Abstract 619 | 163-Arcticle-Text-PDF Downloads 33 | DOI

Page ii-iv

Public Policy

Fixed Broadband Penetration and Economic Growth

Yudi Purnama Purnama (Author)
Abstract 748 | 151-Article Text-PDF Downloads 35 | DOI

Page 1-16

Framework for Demystifying M2M Spectrum Regulation

Arpit Khosla, Anuradha C.B., Mrs (Author)
Abstract 618 | 139-Article Text-pp17-40-PDF Downloads 28 | DOI

Page 17-40


Bitmaps & Bitmasks: Efficient Tools to Compress Deterministic Automata

Shiva Shankar Subramanian, PinXing Lin, Andreas Herkersdorf, Thomas Wild (Author)
Abstract 540 | 125-PDF-Article-pp41-75 Downloads 21 | DOI

Page 41-75

History of Telecommunications

Communications for the America’s Cup Challenge

Simon Moorhead (Author)
Abstract 554 | 160-PDF-pp76-87 Downloads 22 | DOI

Page 76-87