Published: 2020-05-20

The second issue of the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy for 2020. All papers are peer reviewed and a similarity score search is used to ensure the papers are suitable for publication. Papers are now published continuously.


The Digital Economy Lights Up

Leith H Campbell (Author)
Abstract 392 | 302-PDF-v8n2ppii-iv Downloads 22 | DOI

Page ii-iv

Public Policy

Enhancing NBN's Value

Richard Anthony Ferrers (Author)
Abstract 610 | 252-PDF-v8n2pp1-17 Downloads 23 | DOI

Page 1-17

Ultra-fast Broadband: The New Zealand Experience

Murray Owen Milner (Author)
Abstract 417 | 248-PDF-v8n2pp31-55 Downloads 23 | DOI

Page 31-55

Fighting Pandemics By Exploiting 5G, AI and Bigdata Enabled Technologies

David Soldani (Author)
Abstract 611 | 257-PDF-v8n2pp146-158 Downloads 15 | DOI

Page 146-158


Mobile Technologies, Financial Inclusion, and Inclusive Growth in East Indonesia

Miguel Angel Esquivias, Lilik Sugiharti, Ari Dwi Jayanti, Rudi Purwono, Narayan Sethi (Author)
Abstract 1081 | 253-PDF-v8n2pp123-145 Downloads 28 | DOI

Page 123-145

RDTD: A Tool for Detecting Internet Routing Disruptions at AS-Level

Bahaa Al-Musawi, Mohammed Falih Hassan, Sabah M. Alturfi (Author)
Abstract 329 | 244-PDF-v8n2pp18-30 Downloads 21 | DOI

Page 18-30

The 1-Millisecond Challenge – Tactile Internet: From Concept to Standardization

Duc Tran Le, Tri Gia Nguyen, Thi Thu Thao Tran (Author)
Abstract 966 | 240-PDF-v8n2pp56-93 Downloads 23 | DOI

Page 56-93

Digital Trust Gap

Gwangjae Kim, Jee Young Lee (Author)
Abstract 523 | 237-PDF-v8n2pp94-109 Downloads 15 | DOI

Page 94-109

The Effect of Social Media Regulatory Content Law in Indonesia

Taufik Hidayat, Rahutomo Mahardiko (Author)
Abstract 783 | 247-PDF-v8n2pp110-122 Downloads 16 | DOI

Page 110-122

History of Telecommunications

Army Communications Looking Ahead

Simon Moorhead (Author)
Abstract 273 | 300-PDF-v8n2pp167-175 Downloads 9 | DOI

Page 167-175