Preparing the next generation for the Machine Age

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Peter Gerrand


Information, Communication Technology, Society, Sociology


A book review of ‘Changing Jobs. The Fair Go in the Machine Age’ by Jim Chalmers and Mike Quigley, Redback 13, Schwarz Publishing, September 2017, 199 pp.


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Melanie Arntz, Terry Gregory and Ulrich Zierahn, 2016, ‘The Risk of Automation for Jobs in OECD Countries. A comparative Analysis.’, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers no. 189, 14 May 2016,

Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Lachlan McCalman, Simon O’Callaghan, Alistair Reid and Daniel Steinberg, 2016, “The impact of computerisation and automation on future employment’, TQ (Tech Quarterly), April 12, 2016.

Jim Chalmers and Mike Quigley, 2017, ‘Changing Jobs. The Fair Go in the Machine Age’, Redback 13, Schwarz Publishing, September 2017, 199 pp.

Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, 2014, ‘The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are Jobs to Computerisation?’, University of Oxford, September 17, 2013. Cited in the 2014 Deloitte Insight report ‘The Robots are Coming’, 2014.

Neil Whigham, 2017, “Finland begins Universal Basic Income trial as the world watches”, News Ltd, January 4, 2017,

Peter Whiteford, 2014, "The Budget, Fairness and Class Warfare”, Inside Story, 5 August 2014.

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