Peter Darling 1947-2013 A brief commemoration of a gifted writer of tutorial articles on modern telecommunications

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Peter Gerrand


Peter Darling


This historic first issue of the Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy is dedicated to Peter Darling, one of its founding editors, who passed away on 2 October 2013. Peter was a prodigious contributor to the former Telecommunications Journal of Australia (TJA). He was famous for his gifts in writing accessible tutorial articles on quite complex new developments in telecommunications technology and regulation.

This short commemorative article references nine papers that Peter authored in TJA from 2002 to 2013, and an extended interview he gave TJA’s Liz Fell in the year 2000.


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Darling, Peter. 2012. 'Universal telecommunications service for the 21st century'. Telecommunications Journal of Australia 62 (2): 23.1-23.9. DOI:
Darling, Peter. 2011. ‘Telephony and the NBN’. Telecommunications Journal of Australia 61 (2): 17.1-17.11. DOI:
Darling, Peter. 2010. ‘Building the National Broadband Network’. Telecommunications Journal of Australia. 60 (3): pp. 42.1 to 42.12. DOI:
Darling, Peter. 2010. ‘All change for broadband’. Telecommunications Journal of Australia. 60 (1): pp. 3.1 to 3.11. DOI:
Darling, Peter. 2007. 'Towards a broadband policy'. Telecommunications Journal of Australia 57 (2/3): 30.1-30.24. DOI:

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