Historical paper: The 2004 Proposal for the Structural Separation of Telstra

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Peter Gerrand


History, Telecommunications, Structural Separation, National Broadband Network, Malcolm Turnbull


A comment by Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on 23 October 2017 has re-awakened interest in the possibility that lay open in 2004 for the then Coalition government, of which Mr Turnbull was a member, to have preceded New Zealand in reaping the benefits of structural separation of the incumbent carrier.  The paper “Revisiting the Stuctural Separation of Telstra”, published in the Spring 2004 issue of the Telecommunications Journal of Australia and republished below, provided not just the policy rationale for structural separation, but also detailed how it could have been achieved.


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ABC Breaking News. (2017). Jesse Dorsett, ‘NBN Co is a “calamitous train wreck” that may never make a profit, Malcolm Turnbull says, laying blame with Labor’. 23 October 2017. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-23/nbn-malcolm-turnbull-labor-to-blame-for-calamitous-train-wreck/9076324

Independent Australia. (2017). Peter Gerrand, ‘And now for Malcolm Turnbull’s latest NBN trick’. 25 October 2017. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/and-now-for-malcolm-turnbulls-latest-nbn-trick,10857

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